30+ years of experienceCENTIEL is a Swiss-based technology innovation company with a highly experienced team of designers, who have developed the first 3 phase-modular fault-tolerant UPS-system. With our passion and commitment for innovative design, product quality, and customer care, we are keeping pace with the increasing availability challenges in data centers and other mission-critical applications. Our competitive advantage relies on an open minded, direct managerial style, as well as a lean organizational structure, and quick decision making.
En savoir plusApplications
Innovative DesignBig data, Industry 4.0, and the Internet of Things require a global and always-on network. As a result, traditional high-availability technology is no longer good enough. Datacenters and systems now span the globe and applications must be accessible at all times. Meeting these higher-availability demands requires a new power protection strategy that accounts for the increasing complexity of enterprise application infrastructures.
En savoir plusTechnology
High AvailabilityThanks to our extensive failure analysis research and insights gathered from 25 years of field experience working with a large number of data centers and other critical environments, our power protection solutions have reached the highest levels of availability to reduce downtime risk, avoid costly errors, and increase energy efficiency. To respond to highest availability requirements i.e. to eliminate risks that may cause computer downtime of business-critical applications.
En savoir plusProduits
Technologie avancéeDes alimentations électriques sans coupure de conception et de fabrication suisse pour le présent et l'avenir des applications électriques les plus critiques. De la PremiumTower 10-60kW autonome à la solution modulaire CumulusPower la plus avancée et la plus disponible. La technologie avancée de Centiel fait passer la disponibilité à un niveau supérieur.
En savoir plusContactez
Centiel Global
Via alla Stampa 15
Cadro, Lugano
CH6965, Switzerland.
+41 91-2103683