The safest and most reliable li-ion battery solution available.Centiel’s LiFePOwer li-ion battery solution has been developed using LiFePO4 chemical composition. Unlike other li-ion solutions, LiFePO4 can operate at higher temperatures without generating O2, removing the risk of thermal runaway.
- a 7'' System monitoring
- b Cabinet Battery Management System (CBMS)
- c Connection links
- d Battery modules
Flexibility & scalability
Flexible configurations, ideal for redundancy or power upgrades
Reduced footprint
Up to 70% less than VRLA
Easily integrated with existing Centiel installations
Redundancy on autonomy
Common or separate battery
Long lifespan
No need to replace at 3-5 years or 7-10 Years
High operating temperature
Reduced cooling requirements
Maximum energy reduced footprint
LiFePOwer offers customers the highest energy density in the smallest footprint. Each cabinet can hold 10 or 12 battery modules with rating of 20, 40, 50, 60 and 100Ah, achieving up to 61.4 kWh per frame.
Multi-level Battery Monitoring
Monitoring at a cell, module, and frame level delivers a comprehensive overview of the battery health and runtime. Balancing controls optimize the voltage and charging currents of each module, maximising performance, and increasing service life.
Reduced risk and maximized benefits
Fast battery recharge times
Swappable battery modules
Improved serviceability and installation
Reduced maintenance of battery components
Fault tolerant ring parallel communication bus between battery modules
24/7 monitoring
Resilience and redundancy
At battery level a separate battery system can be used to supply each individual unit or UPS module. In the event of a failure of one battery set, autonomy at full load can still be maintained.
Upgrade your existing installation
Centiel’s Li-ion batteries are compatible with both CumulusPower and PremiumTower and can be integrated into existing installations.